Austin O’Neal
“If you don’t have one then you NEED one. It’s changed painting for me in the best ways possible. I am able to see so much more than I ever did without one. It’s seriously a life-saver! No more dark spots or shadows.”
Matt Raney
“I have 24 years as a production painter. I have seen a lot of changes and liquid costs have sky rocketed in the last couple of years, so using the Lumalight has effectively cut down on my basecoat usage, as well as cut down my clear coat costs as well. I’ve been using the Lumalight for 2+ years now and I haven’t ever been disappointed with its performance in the slightest. From the production painter, to the full on custom painter, I highly recommend the Lumalight… Bring some light into your life!”
Danny Rodriguez
“Best products on the market we happy to be part of the team and I won’t spray without our luma lights.”
Austin Myers
“This product is a game changer it will instantly make you a better Painter by giving you the visibility you need when the paint booth lighting isn’t quite enough and the customer service is top notch!”